martes, 6 de agosto de 2024

How to deploy my GitHub Page/Website into my custom domain

For to deploy your SPA o single page HTML You need to use GitHub Pages and ICANN:

- GitHub pages (
- ICANN Domain Name Server (Namecheap)

Step 1: Repository to config

You need to create or use your repositorio with html content. I have my repository: `` for this example

Step 2: Config the ICANN

Into Namecheap dashboard You need to register the CNAME:
Host: okeypay
Value: (you need put your selft repositorio value)

Step 3: Config the repository

In the repository you must go to settings after that follow the sequence of sub-steps
1. Pages
2. Set the branch to deploy the changes in my case is gh-pages
3. Set the sub-domain: and click in save

Step 4: Configuration done

Now just open: in your web browser

We will finally have a more professional and presentable website for any purpose.

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